Tuesday, May 28, 2024

8x10 Scans - Medicine Lake

This is the final negative, for now, from the recently processed batches of 8" x 10" film.  This last one was taken on Ilford HP5 film, rated at 320 iso and developed in 510 Pyro, 1:100, for 7:25 minutes at 24C.
This shot was taken up at Medicine Lake, in Jasper National Park.  This was on the 2022 edition of the Fall Photo Weekend, when a number of the members of the Monochrome Guild spent a weekend in the park.  Mostly I shot with my 4x5 view camera on that weekend, but I did pull the big 8x10 camera out at a couple of locations, one of which was this one.  I took this shot on October 23rd 2022 at about 1:00 in the afternoon.
I shot this with my Chamonix 810V view camera and a Fujinon 450mm lens, with no filter.  The exposure was F41.0 and a shutter speed of 1/30 second. 

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