Sunday, May 12, 2024

David Thompson Country Calendar - May Image

This is the image I selected for the May page of my David Thompson Country Calendar.  I have to check with the Beehive Artisan Market in Nordegg and see if there are any copies left....
This is a tributary to Shunda Creek, not far from my cottage.  The area was once flooded by a beaver dam, and all these trees were drowned.  The dam has since given was, and the flow of the stream has returned to normal, leaving these dead trees still standing.
I shot this with my Ebony view camera and a wide 110mm lens on June 23rd of 2022, at about 11:00 in the morning.  A #25 Red Filter darkened the sky and increased contrast.  The exposure was F25.0, to hold depth of field from the foreground trees to the background, and a shutter speed of 1/2 second.
That day was my 21st Wedding Anniversary and if I recall correctly Margarit and I were out together for a ride on the side by side.

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