Thursday, May 16, 2024

Another Nordegg Visit

My brother-in-law Shawn travelled with me to Nordegg on the afternoon of Friday May 10th.  We made a lunch stop in Rimbey at James' Grill, and then continued on our way.  A short time later we stopped in Rocky Mountain House and picked up some groceries, and some beer.  We were out at the cottage by late afternoon.
I brought along the Rockola Jukebox that I bought at a garage sale in Edmonton, about a year ago.  It is not working, and needs to be refurbished.  I have a guy lined up to take a look at it for me.  He lives in Lake Louise, so I thought it would be easiest to bring it out to Nordegg, and then arrange to have him stop by.  The unit must weigh about 300 pounds and it was all we could do to load and unload it.  In order to get it in the door of the guest cottage we had to turn it sideways, and so we solicited the help of my neighbor Rob to lift it in.
Once that was out of the way, we settled in for a relaxing few days at the cottage.  One night we had steak and lobster for dinner, the next night is was Enchiladas, and then the third night it was steak and chicken wings.  
The Nordegg Golf Course opened for the season on Saturday May 11th and we booked a tee time and played our first round of the year.  There were still a couple of patches of old snow in shady spots, and the greens weren't in very good shape yet, but we had fun.  My score wasn't great, but all things considered, a 50 wasn't out of line with what I shot last year.  With the recent snow and rain the fire advisory was lifted and we were able to have our first outside fire of the season.
I also puttered around on some minor plumbing repairs in the main cottage, and we split and stacked a little more firewood.  All in all it was a very relaxing and enjoyable five days.

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