Monday, May 27, 2024

8x10 Scans - Coach

This is another scan of an 8x10 negative.  This time around it is a sheet of Ilford HP5.  I rated the film at 320 iso, and developed it in 510 Pyro, 1:100, for 7:25 minutes at 24C.
This is a shot of an old railway coach in the town of Big Valley.  The steam train runs from Stettler down to Big Valley during summer months, and there are a number of railway related displays.  Although we would visit Big Valley a couple of times for the Beer Parlour project, this particular visit was prior to that.  I shot this photograph with my Chamonix 810V view camera and a Nikkor 300mm lens, fitted with a #25 Red Filter.  The exposure was F29.0 and a shutter speed of 1/4 second.

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