Sunday, May 21, 2023

Boulders at Medicine Lake

It was a really busy week...   Margarit's only cousin, Martina, arrived on Friday May 12 from Austria.  She is staying with us for a couple of weeks, and then carrying on to Vancouver, before flying home from there at the beginning of June.
Margarit and Martina took a road trip for a couple of days and went down to East Coulee.  They managed to catch the installation of my prints at the Tim Horton's location in Drumheller.  Unfortunately it has been really smoky all across the province in recent days.  The forest fire that was burning near our place in Nordegg is under control, and relatively small.  But there are around 90 fires burning in the province, most in the foothills and in the north.  Many of them are enormous, and over 20 are out of control.  When the wind is out of the west or the northwest it carries all the smoke into the city and points further south.  It was very smoky in East Coulee when the girls visited and Edmonton has been really bad in recent days.
I did a bunch of chores around home, mostly this involved some paperwork that I needed to catch up on for my holding company.  Also cut the grass and tidied up a few things around the yard.
In between all of that I managed to process a batch of film.  This time around it was Kodak T-Max 100 developed in 510 Pyro developer.  This is one of my favorite combinations and I use it extensively.  The pyro is a staining developer and I quite like the way it restrains highlights and creates edge definition.
This particular shot was taken in October of 2022 during the Monochrome Guild's Fall Photo Weekend.  This is the boulders on the shore of Medicine Lake, in Jasper National Park.  I shot this with my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Nikkor 200mm lens.  A #8 Yellow filter increased contrast a little and created some separation in the sky.  I rate the film at 80 iso, slightly under the box speed, as I find this supports shadows a little better.   Development was in 510 Pyro, diluted 1:100, for 7:45 minutes at 24C.

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