Friday, October 7, 2022

Abandoned Ferry

That recently processed batch of HP5 in 510 pyro yielded a lot of really great negatives.  I had once written off HP5, and vowed to not waste any time with it.  But then I tried it in this 510 Pyro developer and it quickly became one of my favorites.  On top of that, it is one of the more economical films on the market, so this makes it even more attractive.  4x5 Black and White film can run as much as $5.00 per sheet, and 4x5 color over $10.00 per sheet.  But this HP5 stuff runs about $3.50.
This shot is also from the abandoned museum.  This is the old cable ferry that used to cross the North Saskatchewan River near Desjarlais.  There still is not a bridge at this location, but with bridges nearby both upstream and downstream, the ferry was no longer needed.  I'm not sure how long it has been sitting here rotting away, but given the size of the trees that have grown up around and through it, it has been quite some time.
This shot was taken on August 16th with my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Nikkor 5mm lens.  This lens used to be a favorite of mine by in recent years I have not been so fond of such a wide view.  This focal length is the equivalent of a 25mm lens on 35mm film format or full frame digital.  No filter was used, and exposure was F18.0 for 1/15 second.

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