Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beer Parlour Project - BP 20.0 Peers Hotel

Chris and Arturo and I made a stop at the Peers Hotel on Thursday October 3rd.  We had been unable to reach anyone at the hotel to pre-arrange our visit for the Beer Parlour Project.  Apparently we didn't do our homework well enough as it turns out the Hotel is closed on Thursdays.  Still unable to connect with anyone over the weekend, on Sunday October 6th, after spending a couple of days in the Edson area, we made another cold call in Peers.
It wasn't even noon when we arrived at the establishment, but the door was open, and the manager, Lori, was inside getting set up.  We introduced ourselves, and told her about the project, and she was thrilled to have us make an impromptu visit.  She event went so far as to round up a few neighbors and get them over to the tavern.  It turns out that the owner of the hotel was away in the Yukon and not able to take any calls.  But Lori had the authority to welcome us in, and that she did.
Unfortunately we only had a couple hours to visit, and to meet the few locals that were available.  But we made the best of it, and enjoyed ourselves all the same.  The few that showed up seemed willing enough to have a beer for lunch on Sunday.
The decor of the old tavern was spectacular.  There were old vinyl LP covers all of the walls, lots of Elvis and Marilyn memorabilia, and all sorts of other cool trinkets.  I stuffed elk head, smoking a cigarette, lots of funny tin signs and old photographs, and even a signed picture of the Hanson Brothers from the movie Slapshot.
This visit officially became BP 20.0 but we all agreed that we absolutely must make a return visit with more advance notice, when we have time to stay longer.  That will obviously become BP 20.1, and we are already tossing about ideas as to when we can return.

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