Wednesday, October 2, 2024


I recently processed a batch of Fuji Neopan Acros 100.  This film is no longer made in sheet form, so I have to ration the last couple of boxes that I have left in stock.  I really like the way it renders mid tones, and as a result, its great for portraits.
I develop the film in Rodinal Developer, 1:50, for 11:00 minutes.  My testing suggests that this yields a negative that has about a half stop more contrast than a typical normal negative.  The original Agfa Rodinal formula is not manufactured any more either, though there are several versions of it available from other manufacturers.  I have been using Adox APH-09, which is supposed to be identical to the original Agfa version.
This truck is actually a fuel truck.  I cropped in tight so that only the cab is visible.  It was painted a bright shade of yellow, which is why it is rendered as such a light grey in this image.  I shot this during my second visit to the Reynolds Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin, on July 5th, at about 2:30 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Nikkor 210mm lens.  The exposure was F29.0 at a shutter speed of 1/15 second.

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