Sunday, October 6, 2024

Old Toys

Margarit and I were exploring an old abandoned farm yard in Saskatchewan and we came across these old toys in a shed.  The CFL Football game includes the logos of all the original nine times.  This goes back to the time when two of the teams were named the Roughriders... in Saskatchewan and Ottawa.  As I recall this would have been in the 1970's.  The game had an electric motor that buzzed and vibrated the playing surface, making the players bounce around. 
There was also the remains of an old table hockey game from the same era.  The tin toys, the old cars and vans and motorcycle, are probably older.  Based on my recollection, these would be from the 1960s.  It was really cool to see this old stuff as it brought back a lot of memories from my childhood.
This shot was from the recent batch of Fuji Neopan Acros 100m rated at 80iso and developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 11:00 minutes.
I took this photograph on September 21st 2024 at about 2:15PM.  I shot it with my Ebony view camera and a Nikkor 210mm lens.  The exposure was F20.0 and a shutter speed of 1/2 second.

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