Monday, October 7, 2024

More Printing for Apparitions

In late September I spent a couple of days in the darkroom and worked on some printing.  I made four 16x20 prints for the Appartions project, and multiple copies of each.  These were made using unsharp masks that I made from the negatives a few weeks back.
One was a reprint of the Case Dealership in Saskatchewan.  A printed three copies of this negative a few weeks ago, but I found the print a little heavy, and there were some unusual stains on the image.  The imperfection was not consistent from print to print so it was not on the negative.  My best guess is that it was some sort of paper flaw.  So I reprinted new copies, and they turned out fine.
I also made a print that I will likely call "High Water Line".  This is an old truck and grain auger in a dried out slough.  This was taken in 2022 at the site of an old coal mine in southern Alberta.
The third negative printed was a shot of an old community hall with some old banquet chairs out front in the weeds.  I call this one "Too late for the dance".
And finally, the interior of an old farm house with some crumbling plaster and stained and peeling wallpaper.  I'll probably call this one "Minor Water Damage" or "Just a small leak".
From these, and the few I printed earlier, I have to decide which are good enough to include in the Apparitions exhibition.  It won't be all of them, but hopefully two or three make the cut.

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