Friday, March 31, 2023


I call this Sawtooth, but that is not really an accurate name.  It is really just my description for this image.  I think this mountain is called Mt. Abraham, but I'm not certain.  I'll have to do a little more research to confirm this.  This is taken from basically the same spot as my "High Water" image, right by what is called the Belly of Abraham Lake.  
Unfortunately there are two spots of uneven development in the sky that sort of ruin this negative.  I was able to digitally spot them out in this scan, but I think the negative is likely unprintable in the darkroom.  I have another shot of it on another film, that I have not yet developed, so hopefully that one is better.
I shot this on October 6th 2022 with my Ebony view camera, a 400mm telephoto lens, and a #25 Red Filter.  That filter deepened the value of the sky, and also the shadow values in the shaded areas between the rocky teeth.  It also brightened the value of the autumn foliage in the foreground.  This was part of the recently processed batch of Ilford HP5 film developed in 510 Pyro.

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