Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Trunk Wells

I just returned home after spending a week out in the mountains at my cottage in Nordegg.  I forgot to take the power supply cord for my laptop along with me on this trip and therefore was unable to download any snapshots from my phone, or post anything to my blog.
Other than that is was a very enjoyable and productive week.  I managed to get out to the rink in town and play outside hockey with a bunch of my neighbors.  The first time was on the evening of Saturday March 11th and it was rather cold.  The rink was exposed to a cold breeze out of the east, and by the time the game got going, the temperature was down to about -15C.  We had two goalies and about a dozen skaters.  The rink is not full size, and it would have been too crowded for everyone to skate at once.  So we played mostly 3 on 3 and 4 on 4.  It was comfortable enough when you were skating and moving around, but when it came time to take a shift off and ride the bench, it got pretty chilly.  We played again on Sunday night, and it was quite a bit warmer, but we didn't have quite as many players out.
I got a bunch of work done in the guest cottage, and also got out a couple of times with my cameras.  
I found this detail shot on my property, just a few yards from my cottages.  I thought it was kind of cool the way the wind had excavated a well in the snow around each of the aspen trunks.  I also took a shot of this with my big view camera.

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