Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Merry Go Round

I took this shot last summer down at the old "vintage" playground at the Dorothy Community Park.  The girls and I used to camp here all the time when they were little.  We would pull our trailer into the field behind the playground and camp for the weekend.  Almost every May long weekend and at least once more every summer, this was our destination.  
It was a great place to be when the kids were little as the playground was there to keep them occupied.  I would wander around and photograph the old churches, and the nearby badlands.  It was also a good base for exploring in the valley.  Since those days the girls have got older, and we don't camp that much any more.  We now own the shop in East Coulee and keep our trailer there, so that has become our new base.  The girls like it because there is WiFi.  Plus, they no longer permit overnight camping at Dorothy.
I shot this on a very hot day in July.  I used my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a 135mm lens for the shot, which was on Kodak T-Max 100 film.  A dark #25 red filter increased contrast, and also permitted a longer shutter speed.  I stopped the lens down to F45.0 resulting in a shutter speed of 4 seconds.  I gave the Merry Go Round a good hard spin, and the long shutter speed made for a neat looking effect.  Development was in 510 Pyro.
I might consider this one for the Apparitions project....?

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