Monday, April 10, 2023


There is the old saying about March.... in like a lion and out like a lamb.  I've found that this doesn't really hold true... at least not in the mountains in Alberta.  In Nordegg, most of the time it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lion too.  This year was no exception, and we had some really cold temperatures and quite a bit of snow throughout the month of March.
Earlier in the week of March 27 to 31 we had some snow, and night time temperatures that approached -20C.  I even managed to take my snowmobile out for a short ride on March 28th.  But after that, the temperature started to rise, at least during the day.  By the end of the month, the road that I had been riding my snowmobile on three days earlier, was now bare.  The snow is melting quickly and there are puddles everywhere.  I wouldn't rule out a snowstorm, as I've seen that happen in May, June and even once in July.  But I think we are past the really cold temperatures, and spring will gradually begin to creep in.  We even got a gorgeous spring sunset the other day, though it was fleeting and only lasted a few minutes.

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