Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Site Clean Up

I decided to stay at the cottage for one extra day.  The girls came to the conclusion that they don't want to come back out for the long weekend.  It's probably going to be crazy busy out here in the West Country over the holiday weekend, so I don't mind avoiding the place then.  I much prefer to be out during the week, when no one is around.  After all, every day is like a Saturday to me... now that I'm retired.
When I got up on the morning of Thursday May 20th, it was quite chilly... about -3C.  I'm not sure if it was a heavy frost or a dusting of snow that covered the ground.  But, I'm grateful that there was no additional accumulation.  It was sunny for a while in the morning, but soon clouded over.  That frost or snow burned off fairly quickly, but it never got really warm.  The temperature only made it up to an afternoon high of around +3C.
Once things had warmed up a bit I headed out with my chainsaw and set about cutting up a bunch of logs.  There were about 20 of them, that never made it onto any of the main log piles.  These were down by the corner of the property, near the driveway approach.  A couple of them had rolled down into the ditch.  The snapshot that I included below was taken once I was about halfway through the pile.  The logs are also visible in some of the drone images in my previous post.
I cut them all up to stove length and piled them up further back on the property.  By mid-afternoon my back reminded me that I had probably done enough wood cutting forone day, for an old guy.  These will eventually have to be split so that we can use them for firewood.  It is amazing how much wood you can go through heating a cottage on a cold winter day...!
I checked out the excavation and the snow yesterday washed away much of the remaining dirt, leaving the bedrock exposed.  I can't wait until we can get busy on construction.  I spent some time on Wednesday with my contractor Scott, going through the materials list for construction.  He has now ordered windows, power cable, lumber, floor joists, roof trusses, metal roof panels and siding.  We have some siding left over from our main cottage and I confirmed the quantity.
I'll head back to the city on Friday.  I have a bunch of stuff to catch on back home, since I have been away so much.  I'm hoping to be able to make it back out to the cottage in a week or so.  Maybe by then the weather will improve and construction can begin...!

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