Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Stump in Pouring Rain

Almost exactly a year ago... October 20th 2019 to be precise... my friends Rob and Brad were with me out on Vancouver Island.  We had rented a house in Courtenay for the week and were spending the time hiking and making photographs.  On the first day it was heavily overcast and raining.  We decided to head up to Cathedral Grove and shoot the ancient trees.  We were hoping that there would be a little more protection from the rain, up there in the forest, as compared to down on the beach somewhere.  This was one of my later shots of the day and by this point I was soaked to the skin.  My camera gear was also drenched.  Later that evening we had to spread all of our stuff out in the rental house and allow it dry.  This shot was taken on Ilford FP4+ film.  I gave the 4" x 5" negative plus development in Kodak HC-110 developer to bump up the contrast.  I finally got around to processing this film earlier this summer and just recently scanned the image.

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