Sunday, October 18, 2020

Red Rock Coulee Panorama

I shot this image back in August when the girls and I were camped down at Red Rock Coulee Provincial Natural Area in extreme southeastern Alberta.  We spent a couple of nights there.  It was quite hazy from the dust of the harvest that was getting underway, and some of it may have been coming from the forest fires burning in the western United States.
As I write this, sitting at home in October, I remember how hot it was during our stay.  The temperature was up in the mid to high 30's... a far cry from the minus temperatures and skiff of snow that we have now.  I remember that mostly we sat around the trailer in the shade during the hot part of the days.  We ventured out for our hikes mostly in the mornings and evenings.
I shot this with an 80mm wide angle lens.  It was taken on Efke PL25M film processed in Rodinal.  The film format was 4" x 5" but this was cropped down to approx. 1-3/4" x 5".  That was the intent when I composed the shot so the foreground and the sky were deliberately empty.

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