Thursday, October 8, 2020

Above East Coulee

On Sunday, we were both pretty tired and slept in until about 10:00AM.  When we finally got up we had a leisurely breakfast, and then set out on a short hike.
Margarit and I walked out of East Coulee and crossed the highway at the edge of town.  We hiked up into the hills adjacent to town.  In distance travelled we didn't get all that far, but there was a lot of up and down and the terrain was very rough in places.  We were both sore from the long walk the day before, and like usual, I was packing large format camera gear.
Near one of the coal seams we found a whole bunch of petrified trees.  These were really cool and we stopped to photograph them in a number of places.  We made our way along the edge of the exposure and eventually came upon some areas where there had been some coal mining activity in the past.  There were some old timbers, some old rails, and nails, spikes and bolts scattered about.  Margarit managed to collect a few rocks that she liked and before you knew it she was packing as much or more weight that I was.  This walk was very reminiscent of a a walk we took a few years back with Margarit's cousins Martina and Karl from Austria.  That made it all the more emotional as Karl recently passed away from complications following a heart attack last January.
On our way down out of the hills we came across the three crosses up on the hillside.  These have been here for many years and were previously unmarked.  Now there is a small plaque that says "Mother and Father" and the last name of the family.  Not sure who the third cross belongs to...?
Once we got back down into town we packed up all our stuff at the shop and it was about 5:00PM when we hit the road back to Edmonton.  A rather uneventful drive back to the city and we drove through a few light showers along the way.  The first rain we have experienced in several weeks and probably somewhat overdue.


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