Saturday, October 5, 2024


This is another image from the recently processed batch of Fuji Neopan Acros 100.  As with the previously posted images, this negative was rated at 80 iso and given N+1/2 Development in Rodinal 1:50, for 11:00 minutes.
I shot this image during one of my earlier visits to the Nordegg Mine Site.  I'm not sure what these nails are for...?  There is a number written above each nail, on the paper backing.  They are in the warehouse building, and perhaps were used for some sort of small parts...?  It doesn't make sense that these would have been for miner's tags, as those were typcially kept track of in the lamphouse.  I have to do a little further research to figure out what these were for.
I shot this image on August 20th at about 2:00 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a long Fujinon 250mm lens.  The exposure was F18.0 for 16 seconds.  Obviously the nails weren't moving, so the long exposure was not an issue.

Friday, October 4, 2024

David Thompson Country Calendar - October Image

This is the image that I selected for the October page of my 2024 David Thompson Country calendar.  Surprisingly the last couple of copies of this calendar continue to sell at the Beehive Artisan Market, despite this late stage in the year.  I just printed the 2025 edition of my calendar, and these will be available for sale shortly.
This image was taken in October of 2022 and is Abraham Lake at the typically high water levels of late fall.  

Thursday, October 3, 2024


This is a scan of another negative from the recently processed batch of 4" x 5" Fuji Neopan Acros 100.  I rate the film at 80iso, and develop in Rodinal Developer, 1:50, for 11:00 minutes.  This shot was taken on one of my recent visits up to the Nordegg Historic Site.  I had permission to photograph at the mine site, and paid for an escorted private tour.
I took this shot on August 26th, a little after noon.  I used my Ebony view camera and a Fujinon 125mm lens.  The exposure was F20.0 for eight seconds.
This is a workbench in the old blacksmith shop.  The exposure was a little challenging as I wanted to hold shadow detail inside, and some semblance of highlight detail through the windows.  It appears that I managed to do that as other than some minor contrast adjustment, this scan has NOT be edited.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


I recently processed a batch of Fuji Neopan Acros 100.  This film is no longer made in sheet form, so I have to ration the last couple of boxes that I have left in stock.  I really like the way it renders mid tones, and as a result, its great for portraits.
I develop the film in Rodinal Developer, 1:50, for 11:00 minutes.  My testing suggests that this yields a negative that has about a half stop more contrast than a typical normal negative.  The original Agfa Rodinal formula is not manufactured any more either, though there are several versions of it available from other manufacturers.  I have been using Adox APH-09, which is supposed to be identical to the original Agfa version.
This truck is actually a fuel truck.  I cropped in tight so that only the cab is visible.  It was painted a bright shade of yellow, which is why it is rendered as such a light grey in this image.  I shot this during my second visit to the Reynolds Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin, on July 5th, at about 2:30 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Nikkor 210mm lens.  The exposure was F29.0 at a shutter speed of 1/15 second.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October Calendar Image

This is the image that I selected for the October page of my 2024 Fine Art Photography calendar.  These hoodoos are in the Red Deer River Valley, not far from Cambria.  I shot them in the fall of 2022 in beautiful evening light.  I plan on being back down in the badlands in a couple of weeks and hopefully I can get some more shots like this.