Friday, September 1, 2023

Trail Ride

On Friday August 25th the girls and I headed out around 9:30AM.  We drove for about 45 minutes to the west, out to the Cline River area.  Here there is a riding stable called MacKenzie's Trails West.  It is a family business that has been operating for many years.  We have ridden here in the past, but not since before Covid.
This time around we were on the lunch ride.  We headed out from the base and skirted around the edge of Mount Stelfox.  Then we continued up the valley, generally paralleling the Cline River.  Then we turned north and followed the valley of Coral Creek a little further yet.  After riding for about an hour and a quarter, we stopped in a shady spot for lunch.  The stable had packed a bag lunch of each of us and we spent 45 minutes or so relaxing and enjoying it.
After lunch we got back on the horses, and followed some different trails back to the stables.  Margarit was riding a horse named Whiskey, and Helena was was on Rosie.  I was on a little bigger steed named Mugsy.  They were all typical dude horses and generally just plodded along one after the other, occasionally breaking into a trot.  There is something very relaxing about seeing the world around you from the back of a horse.
Although there were lots of hikers on the trails, and other groups were out for longer and shorter rides, we were on the only ones on the lunch ride.  Just the three of us, and a very pleasant young lady that acted as our guide.  It was a most enjoyable day, but by the time we were done my body reminded me that the muscles used for riding are not the same ones I regularly use.

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