Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas on Boxing Day

We spent Christmas Eve at my Mom's house in Edmonton.  I went there early in the day and stuffed the turkey, put it in the oven to roast, and later started the potatoes.  Everyone else showed up later, when the turkey was almost ready.  They brought a bunch of other stuff and made it like a pot luck, so that Mom didn't have to cook.  My brother Greg and his family were able to make it, and keep our Christmas Eve tradition alive.  My brother Wes from Calgary was unable to make it, but will get together with Mom on Boxing Day.
The girls and I packed up and hit the road for the cottage on Christmas Day.  It was quite the ordeal as all the pets, all the gifts and a whole bunch of groceries had to come along.  We took three separate vehicles as we have to head home at different times.  Hailey was originally scheduled to work Boxing Day but that got cancelled and she is off work until December 28th.
After we arrived at the cottage we unpacked everything and got the pets settled in.  We had Anna's three rabbits... Simba, Goggles and Willow... and Hailey's rabbit... Joey... and Helena's Two Skinny Pigs... Bert and Miss P... and of course we now have Hank the dog as well.  It is quite the menagerie.
I brought in the Christmas Tree that Margarit and I cut a week prior, and the girls decorated it.  We visited and had some snacks through the evening and put all the gifts out under the tree.
On Boxing Day, the girls got up early and we had our gift opening.  It was pretty low key since the girls got some larger gifts in advance of Christmas.  Anna got an electronic drum kit, and Hailey and Helena got an AirBnB rental in Vancouver, for a trip they will make in the spring.  Helena's gift from Hailey was concert tickets to see some guy named Louis Tomlinson... in Vancouver...
During the day on Boxing Day our friends Court and Sandra dropped by for a short visit.  They were on their way to Lake Louise for a family Christmas of their own and stopped in for a coffee.  About that time it got really warm, and started to rain.  The temperature peaked at +8C... a far cry from the -40 without the wind chill, that was recorded out here on December 21st...!!
In the evening we had Christmas dinner.  The girls didn't want turkey a second time, so we had Prime Rib with Yorkshire Pudding, mashed potatoes, and creamed Brussels Sprouts.  After dinner we watched an old movie together, and then settled down for the night.  A very enjoyable family Christmas spent with the girls...!!

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