Thursday, December 2, 2021

Rented Mule

I feel like a rented mule tonight.  I worked myself really hard today, and my old carcass is telling me I had enough.  Nothing overly physical... but just a long day.  Stretching across a rack of boards to sand and apply lacquer.  And reaching up to the ceiling to fit boards into place and attach them with a brad nailer.
On Sunday November 28th I slept in a bit.  It was a warm night overnight and the temperature stayed a couple of degrees above freezing.  I think it was about 11:00AM before I got over to the guest cottage and got started on work.  I got a fire going and there wasn't much chill to get out of the cottage.
The past couple of days I managed to get 16 of the aspen boards finished with four coats of lacquer, per day.  This was a seal coat on the back side, and three coats on the exposed side.  Today, despite the late start, I got 24 boards completely finished, and eight more started with two coats.  I also finished installing boards to the ceiling of the east bedroom, and got most of one wall finished.
It was after 8:00 in the evening by the time I finished.  Needless to say the sun was long down, and it was dark.  It is a bit of a challenge to work in the guest cottage after dark as I only have one extension cord.  This has to power the light, the saw, the compressor, and today, I had the tunes playing.  But they all don't run at once, so the breaker never popped.  I only have one little work light, and once it gets really dark it is a challenge to see properly.
I had leftover roast beef and mashed potatoes for supper.  So this made working late a little easier.  I only had to warm up my evening meal, and not cook anything from scratch.
These snapshots of the progress were taken with my cell phone, and the lousy flash that it has.  Maybe in the next day or two I'll take a couple of photos in daylight to better show the work in progress.

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