Sunday, December 19, 2021

A Rather Blustery Day....

After Jon left the cottage on Friday, I thought it best to make sure my truck would start.  So, I plugged it in for two or three hours, and then gave it a go.  By early afternoon the temperature had come up from the overnight low of -32, to around -15C.  It would eventually top out at around -10, before the sun began to set.  The truck started without any issues.....
I took a drive west on Highway 11 up to Abraham Lake.  I suspected that the lake had probably frozen over, given the recent cold temperatures.  Some years it does not freeze until mid-January.  My suspicions were correct and the lake was in fact frozen over.  It was sunny and calm but cold most of the way up the highway.  But as is the case most of the time, the wind really picked up when I got close to Abraham Lake.  The wind was rushing through the gap in the mountains and sweeping across the lake.  I could see snow sifting over the high ridges on either side of the lake.  At Windy Point the ice on the lake was swept bare, and snow was swirling in the air.  I didn't think a still photograph would do it any justice, and getting outside with a big camera was not an option, so I shot a couple of video clips on my phone.....

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