Sunday, January 14, 2024

Even Colder

When I got up on Sunday morning, it was even colder than it has been the past few days.  The thermometer registered a temperature of -36C.  Fortunately there is little to no wind, so the wind chill is not really a factor.  I popped out on Saturday afternoon to pick up a few groceries and supplies.  At that point it was only -28C, but there was a bit of a breeze.  It felt pretty damn cold... "colder than your ex's heart"... as one of my friends commented.
There is a heavy fog this morning, which will likely result in some beautiful hoar frost once the sun burns through.  But sadly it will likely be too cold to get out and photograph it.  I was somewhat disappointed that we were forced to cancel the outing for our Beer Parlour Project this weekend.  But it would have been too difficult to attempt to get out in this bitter cold weather, and the turnout would have been minimal.  We shall re-schedule for another weekend in the near future.
Hailey is still out at the cottage in Nordegg.  We have suggested that she stay a couple days more until this cold spell breaks.  Of course being the belligerent young lady that she is, she will likely defy us and hit the road anyway.  It was -38C out there this morning according to my weather station.  In the past couple of days it has dropped below -40C out there.
Conditions are forecast to improve in the coming days....  up to -14C here in the city by Tuesday, and up to -8C out in the mountains.  Last night as I was watching the Oilers game on Hockey Night in Canada a warning was flashed on the screen asking Alberta residents to turn off any unnecessary electrical appliances and lights as the power grid was at the limit, and that rotating black outs may be needed.  Fortunately it never came down to that.....
Politicians are so stupid....  they encourage immigration into Alberta and Canada, without any consideration for the needed infrastructure...!   There's a shortage of affordable housing, we have major problems with homelessness, the power grid can not keep up to demand, particularly with so many electric vehicles being forced onto the population, the quality of education is deteriorating, and our health care system to stressed to the point of collapse.   Geez, I wonder what the solution might be...?

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