Sunday, August 27, 2023

Foggy Morning

I headed out to Nordegg on the afternoon of August 18th.  I had actually been around the city for the entire month of August thus far.  It was a busy time, with a bunch of playoff hockey games and catching up on some chores around the house.  Our friends Chris and Connie stayed with us in early August while we explored some nearby hotel taverns for the Beer Parlour project.  With the hockey playoffs decided on the 16th of August, it was time to get out of town.
I hung around home on the 17th and got the monthly bills paid and the grass cut.  That evening we headed over to Mimi's pub for Trivia Night.  Margarit and Hailey and I were a team and we played against about a dozen other teams.  We managed to finish 5th overall.  I did terribly at the movie questions as I am not a movie goer and rarely watch anything.  The girls fared a little better.  I nailed the Oldies music and we doubled down on that section and scored really well.  Then when the section on new music came up, I totally bombed again.  We did OK at the general knowledge questions in between.  It was a lot of fun and it sounds like it is going to become a regular event.
On the morning of Friday the 18th I packed up some gear and supplies, picked up some groceries, fueled the truck, and hit the road.  A thunderstorm rolled through on Thursday night while we played Trivia and this was followed by some heavy rain.  It rained all day Friday as I drove to Nordegg and continued all afternoon and evening after I arrived.  Margarit said it was about the same back in the city.  We got a total of 2 inches of rain at Nordegg, and there was a snowline about halfway down Coliseum Mountain when I arrived.  The temperature dropped to about +3 as I drove out and then it got even colder overnight.  I was fully expecting to wake up to snow on the ground on Saturday.  But that was not the case... it was only a degree above the freezing mark, and very foggy, but there was no snow. 

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