Saturday, September 11, 2021


I really haven't used my digital camera much at all this year.  In fact I dropped it once, and the battery grip stopped working.  The camera is fine, but I now have to use it with the smaller battery.  Not sure if I'll ever bother to replace that grip.  I finally downloaded a bunch of the images that I took over the summer.  Mostly these are all of wildlife that came around the cottage in Nordegg.  Some of these date back to early spring, when the deer were still pregnant.  Others are much more recent and show the fawns.
We've had a lot of little Pine Siskins coming to our bird feeders, along with a few chickadees, juncos and nuthatches.  They have been going through a lot of feed.  They have become very tame, to the point that they will eat out of your hand.  The Whiskeyjacks do as well, though I don't have any pictures of them, this time around.  
I also included one shot of our aspen trunks glistening in the light as a rain shower lifted.

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