Monday, December 17, 2018

Fabrication Season

For most people this is shopping season... in preparation for holiday season.  For me, this is the only time of year that I get a significant break from work.  I am closing my shop for two weeks this Christmas, as with the way that the days fall, there just aren't all that many working days between the weekends and the holidays.  This is a time that I can work on my millwork projects and build a bunch of the stuff that I need for the cottage.  Last summer I worked almost every spare moment on the cottage and in the course of twelve months we have gone from getting the foundation in, to putting the finishing touches on the interior.
This past weekend I spent part of both Saturday and Sunday at the shop.  I finished the second interior door and next time I head out there I will have two of the four doors ready to take with me.  I have them all wrapped up and ready to go, along with the jambs and stops.  I also built the bases for the kitchen cabinets.  These just need some of the leftover vinyl plank flooring glued onto the faces to finish them and then they are ready to install as well.  I also cut some hickory and routed the edges so that these can be used for some interior shelves.
Over the holiday break I hope to continue with the other two interior doors, and to get a start on the kitchen cabinets.  Next year I hope to spend a lot less time working and a lot more time fishing, ATV riding, and making photographs.

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