Sunday, November 7, 2010

Badlands Hadrosaur

Palcoprep has been building an articulated cast of a juvenile Hadrosaur.  We have this mount available for sale and want to promote it to musuems and science centers.  We decided that we needed some photographs of it for promotional purposes.  So on Saturday I took a day trip down to Drumheller.  My oldest daughter came along for the day.  The day was warm for November and the light beautiful.  We set up the mount out in the badlands and spent the afternoon taking photos of it.  We included a smaller Dromaeosaurus in some of the shots.  I also took some shots on black and white film with my Hasselblad.  Once I have a chance to process this film I hope to end up with a couple of negatives that are worthy of some fine art prints.

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