Monday, June 26, 2023

Roadside Junk

The friends that I was travelling with, and my wife Margarit all love to sleep in.  On the contrary, I'm usually awake at first light.  The summer solstice occurred while we were on our road trip, so the days are very long, and the sun comes up very early.
I noticed, on our way back to Lethbridge, after visiting Writing-On-Stone, that there were a number of old abandoned vehicles along the highway.  We could have stopped at that point, but it was late in the day, everyone was tired, the light had gone flat, and the wind had picked up.
On the morning of June 22nd I got up early and went out for a drive.  I left the others behind, sleeping in our rental house.  By 7:30AM I had already reached my first location, about 20 minutes outside of Lethbridge, and taken my first photograph of the day.  I had to sort of deal with some backlight, that made shooting a bit of a challenge, but conditions were still better than they had been the evening before.  I spent a couple of hours shooting in two different locations, and arrived back at the rental house around 9:30AM, before the others got up.  Later we had breakfast and then packed up and hit the road for the long drive back to Edmonton.

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