Thursday, April 20, 2023

River Rocks

I've seen paintings and photographs of ocean pebbles in the past, and was always moved by them.  I don't live close enough to any ocean to really attempt anything similar, but every once in a while I try it with River Rocks.  River Rocks, particularly mountain ones, look totally different.  They are much less worn and often more varied.  I've never really been overly successful with any of my attempts, and this is my most recent result.
I believe that rocks are best photographed in subdued light.  If the light it too harsh the images becomes nothing but shadows and highlights and doesn't show any of the detail in the stone.  But I think plus development helps to pump up the contrast a little.  That is what I attempted here....
This is yet another image from the recent batch of Ilford FP4+ 4" x 5", given expanded development in Kodak HC-110 Developer, dilution B.  I underexpose the film a little by rating it at 160 iso.  This one was shot along the Blackstone River on April 28 2022, at about 4:50 in the afternoon.  I used my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Nikkor 200mm lens, with no filter.

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