Friday, September 13, 2019

Coal Project

A select group of fellow photographers and I from the Monochrome Guild are involved in a "small" project.  We are spending a couple of years visually documenting the remains of the historic coal mining industry in Alberta.  While we are pursuing this project, other Guild members are involved in two other small projects.  One is a photojournalist street photography project and the other is a portraiture project.  It remains to be seen what they come up with.  
Earlier this year, back in June, our group traveled down to Crowsnest Pass in southern Alberta and documented some of the remains of the mining industry in that area.  My recently processed batch of Rollei RPX-25 sheet film yielded this negative from that trip.  This is the remains of one of four Sullivan compressors at the Greenhill Mine site.  This shot was taken with my Ebony SV45TU large format camera and a Rodenstock Grandagon-N 90mm lens.  The film was processed in Ilford Perceptol developer, 1:1, for 8:45 at 24C [75F].  This may end up as one of the images in our final portfolio, but it remains to be seen what we end up with after two years of shooting.  A strong body of work is likely to result when five skilled photographers work together to create a concise and diverse selection of images around such an interesting theme.

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