Tuesday, September 10, 2019

August Game Camera Photos

When I was last out at the cottage on the Labor Day Long weekend I pulled the memory card from my trail camera and put in a fresh one.  These are some of the more interesting images from the past couple of weeks.
In the winter months I put out a salt block and a little grain for the game animals.  In the summer I figure there is more than enough food around, and I don't want to attract bears, so I generally stop putting anything out by about April.  Despite that, I find that the deer and other game animals still come around every day to check things out.  My camera records them coming and going on pretty much a daily basis.
At this late point in the summer the season's youngsters are growing up.  I never see the Elk when I am out there, but they are obviously around and this time I captured two cows with their calves.  The deer fawns are getting bigger as well.  There is a young bull elk that has been hanging around lately.  His antlers are a little deformed and he has one drop tine that bends down around his ear... a very distinctive characteristic.  One of the latest photos shows the resident White Tail doe with her two fawns but now she is sporting a fresh wound.  Not sure if this is from a bear, a cougar, or perhaps a vehicle.  Hope she's OK....!  There was a doe around before that had an old scar on her flank too, but this one looks fresh.... 

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