Monday, August 15, 2022

Bedroom - Ilford HP5 in 510 Pyro

This shot was taken during the recent trip to Saskatchewan.  It was at this location that I noticed the first of several Wood Ticks... this one was crawling on my darkcloth.
This was taken on Ilford HP5, developed in 510 Pyro.  The staining pyro developer did a nice job of holding the highlight details.  The bright highlight on the floor beside the bed was seven stops brighter than the floor beside it.  The exterior, visible through the window, was six stops brighter than the bed.  I have been rating HP5 at 320iso, which I believe provides adequate exposure to hold shadow values.  The staining pyro developer seems to hold the highlight values while still providing reasonable overall contrast.  I'm not sure if I'll do much to further refine this.  Perhaps I'll experiment a little with slightly more exposure, or slightly longer development... but not both.
This shot was taken on July 14th with my Ebony SV45TU view camera and a Rodenstock 90mm lens.

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