Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rickenbacker 330 MG

While I was at the music store on the weekend, I bought another guitar.  All my life I have admired the classics.  I love the acoustic that the girls bought me for Christmas, but I'd also like to collect a few electrics.  The first is one that I have been drawn to for many years, even long before I took up lessons.  This is a Rickenbacker 330 MG.  The MG stands for "Mapleglo" finish.  As a woodworker I have an appreciation for the craftsmanship that went into building it.
I started taking lessons right after Christmas and I've been practicing every day.  I've finally started developing callouses on my fingertips so that they no longer get so raw and sore.  Can't really play any tunes yet, but I'm working on learning chords and making chord changes.  Also need to focus on learning to read notes.  It's slowly coming, but it will be a while before I can do this instrument justice.  I vow to keep trying though...

1 comment:

Chris Doering said...

Picturing you belting out a Jimi Hendrix styled rendition of Kumbaya 'round the campfire in Nordegg come summer. Very cool axe (I speak the language!) and kudos for working hard at it.