Friday, January 31, 2025

Beer Parlour Project

Chris and I had been planning to try to visit some small town hotels in January for the Beer Parlour Project.  We actually have standing invitations from a couple and a long list of others to try to get to.  But those plans were all forced into a holding pattern thanks to my busted leg.  Now, as my recovery slowly limps along, we are restarting those discussions.  I have an appointment to see my surgeon on February 10th and I'm hopeful that after that I will be able to start walking... and probably some physiotherapy.  I plan on working hard to get back up to speed as quickly as possible.  It seems that getting back on skates and playing hockey again is not in the cards in the short term.  But once I am able to walk and carry a little gear, the Beer Parlour Project outings should be back on the agenda.
In preparation for that I staged this photograph yesterday.  We plan on posting this on the Beer Parlour Project website and stating that we are in holding pattern for a little while.  Hopefully our followers will see that this is a legitimate excuse and that we will be back at it as soon as possible.  Margarit took a number of photographs of me posing with my boot and my crutches.  One of them will be up on the website very soon.  I'm not sure exactly which one Chris will use on the website, but they are all very similar.  Here is one of them....

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