Monday, October 5, 2015

Afternoon Stroll

On Sunday afternoon I took a very short drive from my home, over to Blackmud Creek Ravine.  The unsettled weather that we had experienced on Saturday seems to have blown over, and the skies turned clear.  I always love the clear, crisp light of fall and it is one of my favorite times to be out.  On this day it was cool, with the temperature only getting up to about +7C.  Down in the depths of the ravine, in the deep shade of the spruce trees, it was cooler than that.  I was out with my view camera, trying to find a few compositions.  Mostly it was simply to stay in practice, for some upcoming photo outings that I have planned.  It was a relaxing couple of hours and I quite enjoyed getting out for a little while.  It was somewhat surprising to find this Christmas ornament adorning a tree alongside the trail.  These few snapshots were all taken with my iPhone....

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