Monday, July 18, 2022


My friend Arturo and I are working on a photo project based on abandoned things left behind.  Our title for this project is "Apparitions".  We want to show untold stories about peoples lives based upon the remnants, buildings and artifacts left behind.  This will be a very involved project that we will work on for the next three years.  We want to accumulate a body of work that shows a diversity of subject matter.  Arturo is an exceptional photographer and printer and together I think we can do this project justice.  Like me, he is very dedicated, and that is required to do a good job of this.  
We will have to travel to locations all over the place, do a lot of research, and then devote a lot of time to putting together the final project.  We want to publish a book and also do a travelling exhibition.
As we were attempting to write an Artist's Statement we were bouncing around a bunch of ideas for a title.  My daughter Anna eventually came up with Apparitions, which has now become our working title.

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