Sunday, February 13, 2022

Significant Progress

It was quite a bit cooler on Friday February 11th.  It dropped down to about -6 overnight, and during the course of the day it got just above freezing in the late afternoon.  The skies were mostly clear and there was almost no wind.  A very pleasant winter day.
The siding crew showed up, and started working on the siding.  They got quite a bit done, and managed to get several rows of siding on all four sides of the cottage.  There is enough installed that I can now cut through the three exterior electrical receptacles, the air intake for the fireplace, and the conduits for the meter base and ground cable.  Once the crew returns and can install material higher up the walls, then I will be able to cut in the bathroom and range hood exhausts, and the exterior lights.  For the immediate future I have more than enough to keep me busy.
While the guys were working on the siding, I worked inside.  In managed to get all of the aspen and trim that I brought out finished with four coats of lacquer.  I also installed paneling to both sides of the south gable end.
It was really nice to get so much accomplished.  I will continue working over the weekend and see how much more I can finish up.  The siding crew won't be working over the weekend, and I'm not sure if they'll be back right away on Monday, but it is sure nice to get things on the go after all this time.

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