Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fuji Neopan Acros

I processed a mixed batch of Fuji Neopan Acros 4" x 5" sheet film at the end of June.  Life has been so busy the last little while that I just haven't found time to process and post these... until now..
Some of these sheets were exposed at 64 iso and given normal development.  Others were given a little less exposure, at 80 iso, and developed three minutes longer for increased contrast.
Some of the images in this batch date back to the 2013 trip to Utah...  a couple are from winter day trips at the end of 2014... and the remainder are from this year...

This first group all dates back to October of 2013, when my friends Rob and Brad and I travelled down to southern Utah and hiked and photographed at The Wave, Zion National Park, Buckskin Gulch, and other areas...

Next there are a couple of images from winter day trips at the end of 2014.

These last ones are all from 2015...  The Spring Photo Weekend with the Monochrome Guild Gang... a day trip down to the Drumheller area with Chris and Connie of "Off the Beaten Path" and some images from the May Long Weekend at Red Rock Coulee...

1 comment:

Chris BIGDoer Doering said...

OMG, those Utah photos are amazing. I''ve seen others in colour, but B&W works SO well. Great work as always Rob!