Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day Trip with Friends

On July 5th I went out for a day trip with a couple of my friends from the Monochrome Guild.  Court and Mark met me at my place on Sunday morning and we headed out.  It was cool, and cloudy and overcast, and we even drove through a little rain as we headed out to the northeast.  But it soon became evident that the rain wouldn't amount to much.  It has been extremely dry here in central Alberta for many weeks.  We have only had a few isolated showers since May.  We commented as we drove around that it had the look and feel of late August, with the grass turning brown, and the sloughs drying out.
In many areas the crops aren't really coming up.  There is a patchy scattering of canola coming up in some fields that are mostly bare.  Many plants are prematurely going to seed, stressed by the dry conditions.
We headed back out into the same general area that Margart and Hailey and I had explored on Canada Day.  This time around we checked out several old abandoned farm yards before eventually making our way back over to that abandoned church.  It was a fun day and I managed to shoot 18 sheets of film with my 4" x 5" view camera.  This was a mix of color and black and white.  I also took a whole bunch of snap shots of some of the various stops during the day...

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