Sunday, July 5, 2015

Canada Day

In most years at my shop we observe Canada Day on either a Friday or a Monday so that the staff can have a long weekend.  This year, Canada Day fell on a Wednesday.  Initially I was supposed to have the entire week off, and had planned on going camping with my family.  But, the kitchen renovations at home are running behind schedule and we felt it was important to hang around and make sure everything could be looked after.  I will have to try and take an alternative week off later in the summer.  Back at the shop I took a vote amongst the staff and the majority wanted to take the day off on July 1st, the Wednesday.  I guess this was the day that spouses and family had off, for the most part.  
On Wednesday morning Margarit, Hailey and I headed out for a day trip.  Annelise and Helena decided not to come along and stayed behind with my Mom.  The three of us headed off into east central Alberta to check out an old abandoned church.   This church was out in Two Hills County and I had found out about it from another photographer.  It was overcast, and very hazy due to some forest fires off in the north.  But it never did rain, and we had a pretty enjoyable day.  We eventually found the old church and I spent a couple of hours making photographs with my view camera.  Here are some snapshots taken during the day....

After we finished up at the church we slowly made our way back to the city.  We stopped at a number of spots along the way back.  It is quite rocky out in this part of the province and Margarit wanted to find some nice stones for her new rock garden.  We collected about a half dozen medium sized rocks and eventually got back home by about 8:00PM.  At one stop we found a fox den, and the girls actually saw the red fox dash off into a nearby field.  We didn't get a particularly early start, and with the driving distances involved, this made for a full day.  After dark we headed over to a park in the Mill Woods neighborhood to watch the Canada Day fireworks.  By the time we got back out to my Mom's place and got to bed, it was after midnight.  A pretty long day for we older ones, and the little ones were pretty much worn out too...


Chris BIGDoer Doering said...

What a nice old church Rob. I have to get up that/your way soon. Do you have any idea what that second building was used for?

Robert S Pohl said...

Chris... The second building was the bell tower... though the bell is no longer in it.