Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quick Day Trip

I decided to head out for a short drive on Sunday morning.  My friend Rob came along, as did my oldest daughter Hailey.  We got up early and headed out of town at 7:00AM.  Fall was definitely in the air.  The grass was wet with dew and there was a heavy fog in the air.  The geese were gathering and V-shaped flocks were in the air.  They haven't really started the fall migration yet, but you can tell they're thinking about it.  We headed out to Elk Island National Park.  We saw several herds of Bison moving about in the park.  The Sandhill Cranes were also on the move and we heard and saw several flocks moving in the general direction of the south.  We even heard an elk bugle off in the distance.  After leaving the park we stopped in a couple of places to photograph some old buildings.  The morning light was just gorgeous and there was a haziness to the air.  By early afternoon the haze had burnt away and the light became harsh and unappealing.  We made our way back into the city as my parents were coming over that afternoon to have dinner with us.  A rather brief trip but an enjoyable one and a chance to practice a little more with the new Ebony view camera.  I ended up shooting about 8 or 10 sheets of film.  Here are a couple of digital snapshots from the morning drive.

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