Saturday, September 8, 2012

Finally... a return to the darkroom

On Wednesday evening while the girls were out running some errands, I found a little time to get into the darkroom and process some film.  Earlier in the year I had experimented with Fuji Acros film in a variety of different developers.  Eventually I settled on Agfa Rodinal as the preferred developer.  Since then I have been meaning to fine tune my development time and tonight was going to be the night.  A ran through five test sheets of film processed for various times.  The film density will be measured with a densitometer and the results will provide information necessary to figure out normal development time and film speed.  While I had some chemistry mixed up I ran through a dozen additional sheets of film, all images that I had taken over the past couple months. This includes a few from the Labor Day long weekend, a couple from the August trip with the Austrians, as well as a few others.  There are a couple of interesting shots of some Cottonwood Trees along the Red Deer River at TL Bar Ranch.  These images were jointly taken by Hailey and myself earlier in the summer.  She chose the subject matter and the general angel of view and I set up the camera and helped her to compose and expose the shots.

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