Wednesday, September 16, 2020

High Water

I understand that the snowpack in the mountains was above average this year.  Coupled with that we had a very wet spring and early summer.  It was very muddy and all the creeks and rivers were very high right through until later in July when things finally dried out.  As a result, the water lever in Abraham Lake is very high this year.  The lakeshore is right up to the road in places and there are locations where entire groves of trees are in standing water.  I have never seen the levels so high before.  We stopped at one location with Arturo and Sharon and took a few photographs of the lake shore.  I was rather disappointed to see that some of the inconsiderate people that have been camping in high numbers this year, left a huge mess.  Tent pegs were left pounded in the ground.  Boxes and wrappers from camping gear was strewn about.  Other garbage was scattered, and there was human waste everywhere.  This was not just isolated to the one location that we stopped at.  There was evidence of multiple campsites that had been used at different times.  This problem was common to all locations throughout the west country this year.  Hopefully when the Covid situation improves the number of campers heading out will decline.  At the very least this current camping season is winding down and winter will bring some peace and quiet.


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