Thursday, September 17, 2020

Crescent Falls

Late on Saturday afternoon, after we had stopped at various other locations along the David Thompson Highway, Sharon, Arturo, Margarit and I took a drive up to Crescent Falls.  The 6km drive up the gravel road was very rough and dusty, and very slow.  This was mostly because some fool attempted to drive a classic, restored, 1940's roadster up this road.  He was crawling along at 10 to 20 km per hour and started a long parade of vehicles.  Finally about half way up the road he pulled over and let everyone by.  He must have thought better of his poor judgement as that was the last we saw of him, and I assume he turned back.  It was very busy at the falls and we had to wait for a few minutes until someone left and we could claim their parking spot.  Not only were there people all over the place, but the area was all posted with signs.  
Earlier in the summer a family of three had drowned at the base of the falls.  Apparently they were wading in the big pool down below on a hot summer day.  One of them got too close to the cascade and was pulled into the current at the base of the falls.  Two others went in to help and also got sucked in and drowned.  The government has since put warning signs all over the place.
The hoards of people really turned us off to such a beautiful spot and we took a couple of quick snapshots and left.  Neither Arturo nor myself felt motivated enough to drag out our film cameras.  It would have been a frustrating battle to attempt to photograph anything properly with so many people in the way.
We also stopped briefly on the way back at the viewpoint over Bighorn Canyon.  This was much quieter and we admired the view for bit before heading back to the cottage for our evening barbecue. 

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