Tuesday, April 2, 2019

And Now for Something Completely Different

Most of my photography is of the natural landscape, or old abandoned places and things...  with a portrait or a still life thrown in every once in a while.  The 4x5 view camera that I use most of the time is not suited to action photography.  It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to set up the camera, select the appropriate lens, focus it properly, meter the scene to establish the exposure, and then load the film holder and expose it.
The shows that the Monochrome Guild is installing at Remedy Cafe on April 1st are based on the natural landscape, as well as a selection of images that I refer to as street photography.  I dug back into my archive of negatives to see if I had any work that would fit the "Our City" theme.  I found a few shots that I took, 20 years ago, in the spring of 1999 with my Hasselblad medium format camera.  This is a roll film camera that uses 120 format film.  The resulting negatives are 2-1/4" x 2-1/4"... approx. 6cm x 6cm.  I used this camera a lot before I moved up to the view camera... and I still have two of them, as well as a selection of lenses and film magazines.  I use them from time to time, and have been trying to get my girls to work with them a bit....
Although I shot these images 20 years ago, I never printed them until a couple weeks ago.  I decided to include these two small 8" x 8" prints in the show.  I matted them with an extra heavy overmat.  My friend Nigel steered me onto this stuff, after he saw something similar at a gallery in Europe.  Its more than double the thickness of the standard matboard that I've been using.  It gives the frame and the presentation a little more depth, which I quite like.  Might try this again in the future with some larger prints.

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