Friday, July 10, 2020

ATV Ride

Back in late June Hailey and I took an ATV ride out at Nordegg.  We drove up into the hills behind town, where back in the day there had been some mining activity.  Later we stopped in town and took a short walk along the old rail line.  The tracks that once ran all the way up to the Brazeau Collieries are long abandoned.  We found some date spikes in the ties that said "1959".  This must have been near the end of the line.  There was once an old railway station along the line, just above the church.  The church still stands and sees fairly regular use, but the station is long gone.  Hailey and I found several rail sidings, and old switch, and a platform.  Not sure if that platform was the station, or just a dock for unloading freight.  Kind of cool to find all this stuff right in our own backyard.

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