Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Daily Struggle

I'm struggling these days... like just about everyone else.  This COVID-19 virus pandemic is making life very difficult, both emotionally and financially, for everyone.  My employer... the company that I used to own... has been doing alright, so far.  We got a lot of orders for protective plastic shields in late March.  We did better than survive in March, and the carryover into early April will make that month alright as well.  After that... who knows...?
I'm more than a little concerned for my daughter, and my elderly parents.  It would not be good if any of them got infected.  People in general seem to be respecting the requirement to distance themselves from each other, and stay home.  I suppose I am, to some degree, guilty of not doing that, as I go to work every day.  I justify it to myself by recognizing that we have a large workspace with minimal employees.  But, I do come into somewhat distanced contact with half a dozen to a dozen customers per day.  I further justify it by thinking the work we are doing to build shields and protective guards is for the better good of all, and outweighs the negatives.  But, I also think that it is only a matter of time before I too, in good conscience, will need to stay home.
I get up every morning, have a shower and head in to work.  I work through the day and generally head home by about 6:30 or so.  In the evening I have some dinner, watch the news, and by 8:30 or 9:00 I am drained and have no energy or ambition to do anything.  I have some chores and little projects that I could work on, if I had any motivation... but I have none.  The weather lately is making matters much worse.  We got 5 inches of snow the other day and the daytime high temperatures are only making it up to about -12 or so... and the forecast lows at night are expected to be -20 and lower.  Very cold for the end of March and beginning of April, even here in the great white north of Canada.  I suppose the hidden blessing is that it is keeping everyone indoors, and maybe the spread of the virus is being suppressed a little...?  Not trying to sound like a whiner as most of the world is in a similar situation and we all just need to bear down and push through.  But these are certainly very strange and difficult times.

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