Sunday, June 4, 2017

Morning Shoot

A very busy schedule in recent weeks, as well as some computer issues, have seen me fall behind in posting to my blog.  I'm trying to get caught up....
I've been attempting to slow down at work a little over the past year or so.  Mostly it's working out, but there are lot of things that still require my attention.  My days are still fairly long as I usually arrive at the office shortly after 8:00AM, and it is usually 6:00PM before I leave.  But, every other week or so I take a day off... usually tagged on to a weekend.  I find these breaks to be very relaxing and will continue with my plan. 
In recent weeks those days off have allowed me to take part in the Spring Photo Weekend, the Video Documentary Project, and more recently, our annual extended family weekend in the mountains. 
One day back in mid May, it didn't really work out for me to take the Friday off from work.  And, it was fairly busy in the office so I decided to take half a day on Monday instead.  I headed out on a Monday morning, to explore and photograph an old abandoned cemetery up in Lamont County.  I had found it earlier in the spring, and now that the snow was gone, felt it was worth a return trip.  I didn't take any snapshots with my digital camera, but will post some of the film shots later in the year once I process the negatives.
By about noon it was time to head in to work so I pointed the truck back towards the city and headed for the office.  I passed through Elk Island National Park on my way back, just as a rain shower rolled through.  I spotted this Canada Goose on the side of the road, trying to shelter her goslings from the rain and managed to take this snapshot.

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