Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Broke My Toe....

In game five of the Summer Hockey season I took a heavy slap shot off the toe of my skate.  It hurt a lot at the time, but I shook it off and kept playing.  That was back on June 8th.  My toe has been very sore every since.  So far there is no sign of bruising.  But the knuckle of the toe has become extremely tender and somewhat swollen.  I'm certain that I've cracked the bone.  I didn't bother to go to the doctor.  They would X-ray it and tell me that my toe is broken... or not, and it is just badly bruised.  But, as there is no evidence of a bruise, only a burning sensation and a lot of pain, I'm virtually certain it's cracked.  The doctors can't cast a broken toe... so there is nothing to be done but wait for it to heal.  So... in the mean time, I've continued to play hockey.
My foot is very tender and sore, particularly if I wear shoes.  With bare feet, or just socks on, it's not too bad.  I pop a couple of Ibuprofen each morning to dull the pain a little and help keep the swelling down, and then go about my day.  Matters were made a little worse the other day when I stumbled getting off a ladder at a jobsite and tumbled over a roof parapet onto the roof below.  It was only a drop of about three feet, but of course I banged my injured toe.  Surprisingly it doesn't feel too bad with skates on.  I guess there is very little flex in the boot of a skate, and the toe is supported.  So, I've continued to play hockey and have actually played three more games since the incident.  As long as I don't take another slap shot on the foot, I think I'll be OK...

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